Dental Implants Putnam

Superior Prosthetics That Last

Woman sitting on couch and smiling with dental implants in Putnam

At Unique Dental of Putnam, you do not need to worry about being referred to a local specialist for dental implant placement. Instead, our team has the knowledge, training, and experience so that the entire dental implant process remains in-house. Not only does this allow you to remain with the same professionals you already know and trust, but it also ensures that you receive the kind of results you truly desire – a smile that functions normally and looks beautiful for decades to come. Our team is ready to assist, so call us today to schedule a consultation for dental implants in Putnam.

Why Choose Unique Dental of Putnam for Dental Implants?

  • Guided Dental Implant Surgery for Ideal Placement
  • Flexible Financing Available for Uninsured Patients
  • In-House Dental Implant Placement & Restoration

What Are Dental Implants?

Illustrated dental implant being placed into the lower jawbone

As titanium posts that look like screws but function like tooth roots, integrate with bone tissues, dental implants make it possible to enjoy a longer-lasting smile. The artificial base helps to support customized crowns, bridges, or dentures, allowing for improved eating and speaking while also ensuring a more confident and natural-looking appearance. Their longevity and stability make them a superior form of tooth replacement that millions of Americans already enjoy.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Illustrated dental implant with abutment and crown being placed into the jaw

No two patients are alike, which is why a scheduled consultation must first occur when discussing the potential for dental implants. Although each treatment plan will be different, the same four steps must be followed:

  • Initial Dental Implant Consultation – You will meet with Dr. Moaz or Dr. Zakhem for a scheduled consultation to go over the status of your oral and overall health as well as your jawbone density. This will determine whether you need additional treatments (i.e., bone grafting, gum disease treatment, etc.) before moving forward with dental implant surgery.
  • Dental Implant Surgery – There is no need to refer patients to an outside specialist when our team can perform in-house, guided dental implant surgery. You will receive local anesthesia before having each implant put into position for maximum support.
  • Dental Implant Osseointegration/Abutment – The custom restoration you receive must have something to connect to, which is why you will receive metal abutments after your implants have properly fused with the bone tissues through a process known as osseointegration.
  • Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s) – Your customized dental crown, bridge, or denture will be secured in place so that you can enjoy a full, complete smile once again.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dentist showing a dental implant model to a patient

As the premier form of tooth replacement, dental implants offer a unique set of benefits that cannot be matched by any other restorative solution. They include:

  • Improved jawbone stimulation
  • Greater confidence and a more youthful appearance
  • Reduced risk of systemic issues caused by tooth loss
  • Improved bite and chewing power
  • Easy-to-maintain teeth

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Close up of mouth with one missing tooth

When suffering from tooth loss, many patients assume they are not eligible for dental implants; however, this is not true. While it may be necessary that you undergo preliminary care to address problems existing inside the mouth (i.e., bone resorption, gum disease, tooth decay), our team can position your smile so that it can receive dental implants in the future.

Missing One Tooth

Illustrated dental crown being fitted onto a dental implant

When missing only one tooth, we can replace it using a single dental implant post, metal abutment, and customized dental crown. This not only eliminates the need to alter healthy teeth but also improves your ability to perform normal daily tasks with ease.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Illustrated dental bridge being fitted onto two dental implants

A mouth with multiple missing teeth does not need a fixed dental bridge to be complete. Instead, healthy teeth can remain untouched by using two dental implant posts and a customized implant bridge. By inserting the posts into the vacant sockets instead of relying on crowns to fit over healthy teeth, we can create a more stable foundation that supports your new set of teeth.

Missing All of Your Teeth

Illustrated full denture being fitted onto six dental implants

To minimize the amount of time spent with an entire row of missing teeth, we can position between four and six dental implant posts within the jawbone, allowing for maximum support and optimal confidence. With a customized denture secured on top, you can eat the foods you love, speak clearly, and know that your new smile will remain in place for decades.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Two people sitting at desk with laptop and clipboard

When meeting with our dental team, you can expect there to be various factors that are considered before you are provided with a final cost estimate. We will go over these with you during your appointment as well as discuss how you plan to pay for your new smile. Whether it is filing with your dental insurance company, pursuing flexible financing with a third party, or enrolling in our in-house membership plan, our team will help you make the right decision based on your needs.